Measure and line up all ingredients to have them at hand.
In a medium sauce pan, heat 2 tbsp of cooking oil to medium.
Add mustard and fenugreek seeds and temper for 20-40 seconds until mustard seeds just start to pop.
Add sliced onions, garlic and curry leaves and fry for a minute, until the aroma develops but before garlic starts to brown.
Add the beetroot and stir to combine.
Stir in the ground spices: cardamom, cumin, coriander, and salt.
Pour in the coconut milk, add the fish chips (if using) and pop in the green chili.
Lower the heat, cover and simmer for 7-10 minutes until the beetroot just softens.
Remove the lid and keep simmering for another 3-4 minutes.
Add shaved coconut, if using, turn the heat off and leave to rest for 5-10 minutes for the gravy to thicken.
Serve warm or at a room temperature.